Quantitative Partners

Quantitative Partners Inc.

Master Traders: Strategies for Superior Returns form Today's Top Traders



Quantitative Partners, Inc, (QPI) was spun off from Independent Research Associates in 2002. Independent Research Associates was founded in 1995 by Geoff Garbacz and Jim Robinson when they started to represent three research products: Phil Erlanger Research, First Fax, and Jefferson Research. The third partner to join IRA was Jack Bahrenburg who joined in 1995. As time progressed, Geoff and Jack focused exclusively on research and trading applications while Jim focused on raising venture capital and alternative investment assets. Therefore, it made sense to divide IRA into two separate entities which occurred in 2002.

On the research and trading front, QPI represents four independent research firms and serves over 200 institutional money manager clients. Research partners include Phil Erlanger Research, Jefferson Research, IPO Financial and StreetAccount. In addition, QPI produces a Daily Research piece called the QPI Daily Stat Sheet. Our research process includes constant testing and monitoring of our research vendor's models and results. The goal of QPI is to provide its clients quantitative research that is of high quality and proprietary in nature, with excellent performance results on a historical as well as an ongoing basis. QPI research firms have the unique ability to take data, turn it into information and convert it to knowledge. Once the knowledge has been attained, QPI seeks to use its knowledge of the research business to track, monitor and provide insights from a variety of fundamental and quantitative sources.

Goal of Research Business

At QPI, research means more than simply raw data and mathematical formulas; it is first and foremost a business relationship. Our goal is to offer money managers a variety of unique and powerful research products (tools) that can be adapted to meet individual portfolio needs and add value to performance numbers. QPI understands its clients. Working together with the research vendors, QPI tailors a comprehensive research strategy to help managers pick up situations they would otherwise be unaware of in today's fast paced market.

The QPI research platform is based on the premise that there are many factors influencing markets, sectors or particular stocks. Each of these factors should be considered both independently and as part of the whole, to obtain the most accurate and reasonable buy/sell forecast. In summary, QPI understands the entire forest, while the larger "franchise" firms tend to focus on individual trees.

QPI Integration Process

QPI gives its clients information and knowledge that is proprietary. Some of this research may take time to grasp and utilize properly; QPI is here to teach and help its clients integrate the proprietary research tools to their business model. References of current QPI clients who have integrated us into their portfolio management systems are available upon request. Although QPI is a relatively young company, some of the largest names in the money management arena rely on our work, due diligence, guidance and consultation. As a research client, our clients get access to this expertise. Please contact us for more information.