Phil Erlanger Research Co.
About Phil Erlanger

After a tenure as the Chief Technical Analyst at Advest, Philip B. Erlanger became the Senior Technical Analyst at Fidelity Research and Management in the early 1990s, working alongside star portfolio managers Peter Lynch and Jeff Vinik.
At Fidelity, Phil's proprietary price models and sentiment analysis called some of the biggest wins for Fidelity in this era, including billions of dollars of transactions on junk bonds, currencies, and equities.
Since 1994, Phil Erlanger Research, Inc. has provided unique technical analysis and quantitative research for many of the world's top financial institutions. His proprietary data and analysis are currently in use at institutions that collectively manage over $1 trillion in assets.
Widely regarded as one of the foremost technical analysts in the world, Mr. Erlanger was presented with the Market Technicians Association's coveted Best-of-the-Best Award for Computer Assisted Analysis in 1997. Phil is served two terms as President of the MTA.
Phil Erlanger:
- Advest's Chief Technical Analyst
- Senior Technical Analyst for Fidelity Management & Research Co.
- Past President of The Market Technicians Association