Phil Erlanger Research Co.
Squeezometer Daily Review

Delivery: Daily
Method of Delivery: Email PDF File
A core function of our research centers on the concept of advance phases and decline phases. Whether we're in a bull or bear market, there is a constant swing from excesses of bullish sentiment to excesses of bearish sentiment. The market seems to wait for an excess to appear before shifting direction. Hence, each "phase" is a squeeze play.
We have observed that these phases occur on a short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term basis. We judge each term by looking at hourly, daily and weekly data, respectively.
Our "Squeezeometer" table is designed to indicate which phase (uptrend or downtrend) is underway for each of the three terms. Moreover, each phase has 4 sections to indicate a turn into the direction of the phase, the early establishment of trend, the sweet spot of the trend, and the maturing of trend.
The "Squeezeometer" is delivered on an as needed basis (usually 2 or 3x's a week) before the market opens to give you a macro picture of market direction. For more information on the "Squeezometer", please view our white paper "Indicator Squeezeomter" and "Update to Squeezeomter."